In Principio

Quis Sum

SuperDarke, here. Not many people will end up here, but the few that do will want more information as to what am I doing and why I'm writing.

I'm a university student studying International Humanities, which is fancy talk1 for political science, history, economics, and Spanish and French.

I've been told I'm a talented writer. I'm not sure if I agree. I am, however, hypercritical and highly opinionated.
Put me to the test.


I am a metaphorical hermit in the world we live in. Everything is consumption focused, it seems. Thence comes the incessant urge to buy or read or watch videos. Ironically, by writing this blog, I am *technically* fuelling the culture of mammonical hunger. At least you're reading something that a man wrote rather than some AI-nonsense.

I have musings about life, technology, religion (it will become clear eventually that I am a Catholic), hierarchy, slavery, freedom. Weighty things. But also a great deal of lightness. Surrealism, perchance?

I stumbled across the idea of the personal, small web on a whim on youtube-- from Psycool. The idea of a blog run by me, not by a company, is supremely well-sitting with me on a philosophical level. I like FOSS, too, as an ideal-- of course there are situations where it is not feasible, but it is an ideal. The hacker culture of the 70s through 90s before computers went mainstream, the sense of discovery on the early internet is magic. I have nostalgia for a period of time that I had not been alive for.

Isn't algorithmically-based social media tyranny?

Sed Contra

I won't try to sell you anything.
I won't try to sell you anything.
I won't try to sell you anything

If I do, you have my express permission to come here, point this out to me, and berate me all you wish . I won't be mad, just disappointed in myself.

Written 23 January 2024.

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